IRS Changes Notice Requirement for Listed Transactions – Houston Tax Attorneys

When a taxpayer files a tax return reporting their income, the IRS gains insight into their earnings and can compare this information with similarly situated taxpayers. One might expect that this regular reporting would be sufficient for tax administration purposes. The IRS could simply identify and audit returns showing unusual drops in reported tax. This is true even in cases involving large gains offset by tax attributes that would be visible on the tax return.

However, the tax return process has become so cumbersome and complex that just filing a tax return alone is not enough. Taxpayers may have to file numerous different information reports, statements, etc. This includes information returns that are not treated as tax returns, but encompass a significant amount of information. The reportable information can include everything from foreign account balances, to amounts paid to contractors and employees, to bartering transactions.

This is also not enough. The tax reporting rules also require the reporting to highlight specific transactions that the IRS says that it is interested in. There are special rules and forms for this purpose–many of which are so nuanced that taxpayers often fail to file them or file them correctly. These transactions are referred to as “reportable transactions.” The reportable transaction reporting regime has recently faced legal challenges recently.

In the past few years, courts have ruled that the IRS’s process for designating these transactions that require additional information does not comply with administrative law requirements. In response, the IRS has now issued Action on Decision 2024-01, largely accepting these court decisions, even though it has largely rejected the outcome of these court cases for some time now.

Reportable Transactions vs. Listed Transactions

A reportable transaction is a type of tax transaction that the IRS requires taxpayers and their advisors to disclose. The rationale is that the transaction has characteristics that the IRS believes may indicate tax avoidance. Think of it as a transaction that raises certain red flags that the IRS wants to know about.

A listed transaction is a type of reportable transaction. It is more narrow. It is one that the IRS has explicitly identified as a tax avoidance scheme. The IRS has basically labeled these transactions as likely to be abusive and has formally “listed” them published guidance. When the IRS designates something as a listed transaction, it’s essentially saying “we’ve seen this specific scheme before, we consider it problematic, and we want to know if anyone is doing it.”

To give you a concrete example: If a company engages in a complex transaction that generates significant tax losses without corresponding economic losses, that might be a reportable transaction because it has characteristics that suggest potential tax avoidance. If that specific type of transaction matches one that the IRS has previously identified and published as problematic in their guidance, it would be a listed transaction.

Types of Reportable and Listed Transactions

To understand the difference, it is helpful to pause to describe the types of transactions that the IRS has designated as reportable transactions and listed transactions.

Reportable transactions the IRS has not designated as listed transactions are generally defined by their characteristics rather than their structure. They are broader rather than focused on targeted transactions.

Reportable transactions that aren’t listed generally fall into five distinct categories:

  1. Confidential transactions involve tax advice given under secrecy conditions with restricted disclosure rights.
  2. Transactions with contractual protection have fees contingent on achieving tax benefits or include refund rights if the tax treatment fails.
  3. Loss transactions generate significant tax losses above specified thresholds (these amounts vary by taxpayer type, e.g., $10 million for corporations and $2 million for individuals in a single year).
  4. Transactions of interest occupy a middle ground between regular reportable transactions and listed transactions. These are transactions that the IRS has identified as potentially abusive and is actively investigating, but hasn’t yet made a final determination. Think of it as a watchlist – these transactions might eventually become listed transactions, or the IRS might determine they’re acceptable after further study.

Compare this to the listed transactions that the IRS has designated. These transactions involve particular tax transactions. They are more specific. The transactions that the IRS has identified as listed transactions generally are:

  • Are multi-step and highly engineered
  • Often involve multiple entity types (corporations, partnerships, trusts)
  • Frequently use pass-through entities as key components
  • Usually aim to create artificial losses, shift income, or accelerate deductions
  • Often involve timing mismatches or basis manipulation
  • Frequently cross between corporate and individual taxation

The conservation easement noted in this Action on Decision is an example. A syndicated conservation easement is listed because it takes a legitimate conservation tax benefit and runts it through a partnership structure where investors buy into land at market price, obtain inflated appraisals far above the purchase price, place conservation restrictions on the property, and claim charitable deductions typically worth 4-5x their investment. The capital outlay is much smaller than the tax benefit that is derived. This is accomplished by rapid value inflation, year-end timing, and marketing focused on multiplying tax deductions. One can see why the IRS would be interested in this transaction and want to know who is engaging in these transactions, as the tax benefit is high and the IRS needs to examine them to determine which ones are legitimate and which ones are not.

Material Advisors & Their Obligations

The reporting rules don’t just affect taxpayers. They also apply to so-called “material advisors.” Material advisors are professionals who provide assistance with the reportable transactions.

Material advisors must report all categories of reportable transactions, including listed transactions and transactions of interest. Who qualifies as a material advisor depends on fee thresholds and type of client, but not on transaction type. The threshold is $50,000 in fees for transactions where all advisees are individuals, and $250,000 for transactions involving any other type of advisee (like corporations or partnerships). A tax professional who exceeds these thresholds becomes a material advisor and must comply with the reporting requirements.

Material advisors have to file their own disclosure forms (Form 8918) and maintain lists of advisees who participated in these transactions. These requirements are in addition to any reporting the taxpayer has to do. If the IRS requests these lists, the material advisor must provide them within 20 business days.

This means that both the taxpayer and their advisors must independently report the same transaction. The IRS can then cross-reference these filings to identify unreported transactions. The dual reporting system helps explain why the penalties discussed below are imposed on both taxpayers and material advisors.

Why Does It Matter?

The consequences of failing to disclose reportable transactions can be severe. The IRS has a number of penalties and sanctions that it can apply when it comes to these transactions.

For reportable transactions that are not listed transactions, the penalty is $50,000 per failure to disclose. So-called “material advisors” could also get a $50,000 penalty. This is a per year and per transaction penalty.

For listed transactions, the penalty jumps to $200,000 per failure to disclose. So four times higher than a reportable transaction. Material advisors could also get a penalty equal to $200,000 or 50% of the gross income they received from the transaction advice. This is separate from the IRS’s ability to ask a court to order that the advisor pay over 100% of the fees they earned from the transaction.

Suffice it to say that there is also a greater likelihood of criminal investigation and prosecution in cases involving listed transactions.

There is also a statute of limitations issue. Absent fraud or an unfilled tax return, the rules enacted by Congress generally do not give the IRS unlimited time to evaluate transactions. The IRS only has so long to look for and at issues. With listed transactions, the statute of limitations may be suspended until proper disclosure is made.

How Does the IRS List a Transaction?

The IRS designates a transaction as “listed” through a formal process of issuing published guidance. This typically happens in one of these ways:

  1. Through a Notice: The IRS issues a formal Notice describing the transaction and declaring it as listed. For example, IRS Notice 2017-10 listed certain syndicated conservation easement transactions.
  2. Through Revenue Rulings: The IRS can issue a Revenue Ruling that identifies and describes a transaction as listed.
  3. Through Regulations: The IRS may incorporate listed transactions into Treasury Regulations.

The process typically involves:

  • The IRS identifying a pattern of transactions they believe are being used for tax avoidance
  • Internal analysis and review of the transaction structure
  • Development of detailed technical description of the transaction
  • Publication of the formal guidance that:
  • Describes the transaction in detail
  • Explains why it’s considered abusive
  • Specifies which variations of the transaction are covered
  • States when the listing is effective
  • Outlines disclosure requirements

Once published, all taxpayers and material advisors are on notice that the transaction is listed and must be disclosed if they engage in it or substantially similar transactions.

The IRS even maintains a list of listed transactions on its website.

This brings us to the current Action on Decision and the court cases that the IRS has adamantly contested and now says that it will follow. The question is whether the IRS’s listing process has complied with the Administrative Procedure Act (“APA”).

The APA establishes requirements federal agencies, including the IRS, have to follow to conduct rulemaking. Under the APA, agencies must generally provide notice of proposed rules and give the public an opportunity to comment before rules become final. This “notice-and-comment” process is fundamental to administrative law. It ensures transparency and public participation in agency rulemaking. This is important to our system of justice as administrative agencies are not staffed by individuals elected by the public–they are often career civil servants who may have agendas or views that differ from the law and from what most Americans would expect.

This guidance is in response to Green Rock LLC v. Commissioner, 104 F.4th 220 (11th Cir. 2024), but it addresses several other court cases that preceded Green Rock that held that the IRS’s notice process did not comply with the APA. The first is Mann Construction v. United States, in which the Sixth Circuit considered the IRS’s designation of transactions as “listed” via Notices that did not follow any APA notice-and-comment procedures. The court held that IRS Notices identifying listed transactions are legislative rules subject to the APA’s notice-and-comment requirements and that they are not interpretive rules exempt from these procedures. The court basis was that these Notices create new legal obligations (disclosure requirements) and impose significant penalties for non-compliance, hallmarks of legislative rules. This makes it a legislative rule.

Following Mann and similar decisions in other courts, such as the Green Rock case, the IRS has now acknowledged in this Action on Decision that it will treat its listed transaction designations as subject to APA notice-and-comment requirements. This is a significant shift in how the IRS will designate listed transactions going forward. Rather than immediately implementing listed transaction designations through Notices posted on the website, the IRS will need to first propose the designation, allow for public comment, and then issue a final rule.

For those who failed to report a transaction and were assessed penalties, it may be time to revisit the penalties. This includes cases where the statute of limitations was extended for failing to file the disclosure forms. As noted in the IRS guidance, taxpayers may be able to avoid penalties for these already existing cases.

The Takeaway

The IRS’s acceptance of notice-and-comment requirements for listed transaction designations is a significant shift in tax administration. The notice-and-comment process could benefit both the IRS and taxpayers by fostering dialogue with stakeholders, potentially resulting in more precise and effective guidance that better targets truly abusive transactions. This collaborative approach may help the IRS focus its limited resources on the most concerning transactions while providing clearer boundaries for legitimate tax planning. Those who have been assessed these penalties or who have pending penalties may also benefit by being able to avoid the penalties altogether given this guidance.

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St. Paul Academy coach Nathan Goldman had a chat with star skier Caden Burns at the start of every Alpine high school season, with the conversation centering on how often Burns could be around during the campaign.

Burns’ skiing takes him around the country in the winter, and the travels can often conflict with high school competitions. It’s why Burns hadn’t competed in a state meet since he was a seventh grader.

But things worked out this winter for Burns, now a senior. The postseason was finally a possibility. He would indeed get a chance to compete for a state title.

And he capitalized.

Burns threw down two monster runs at Giants Ridge on Tuesday in Biwabik, finishing with the top time by more than seven-tenths of a second on each of the two hills en route to a two-run time of 1 minute, 12.97 seconds – more than a second and a half faster than the next closest competitor.

That was no surprise to Goldman, who watched Burns win every conference meet this season, as well as sections. This is what the senior does.

“Caden really has a strong ability to study the course and know where he’s going to take up time,” Goldman said. “He knows the sections that are going to be good for him, and the sections that he’s going to need to watch out for. And he was really able to just capitalize on that today and get the best out of both runs. … I’m not surprised by his win.”

But delighted, yes.

Eden Prairie’s Tate Wilker finished in second, while St. Thomas Academy sophomore Toren Piltingsrud came in fourth.

Burns has always featured a masterful blend of tactics and technique. Goldman called him “a real student of the sport.”

“He’s really strong technique-wise and is able to apply that on a course. That’s the hard thing to do, right?” Goldman said. “There’s a lot of skiers here that have really strong technique, but can’t necessarily adapt it to every variance and every different course and every different set. But Caden has a really strong ability to take that inspection run and turn it into a really good race result.”

He passes on his knowledge to his Spartans teammates. He’d bring them with him on those meticulous inspections and share his insights. Goldman called Burns “a great teammate.” He was active with the team all the way back to the group’s dryland work.

And, in the end, he provided an example of what it takes to be a champion.

“I was really excited to hear that he was going to be able to be here for the whole year this year, and excited to see him qualify last week and sections and have a great night tonight,” Goldman said. “Really a fun way for him to kind of end that senior year. That’s a great way to go out.”

Minnetonka team wins

Minnetonka won the team title with 176 points. Cook County was second with 149, and Hill-Murray was third with 134.

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What is AWS:

AWS refers to Amazon Web Services. As a cloud computing pioneer, Amazon was the first to enter into the cloud services market ten years ago. In terms of customers and products, Aws Leads. When it comes to cloud service quality, it is considered the benchmark. It provides a variety of Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) offerings which can be categorized into the database, computing, networking, content delivery, and storage. AWS allows a flexible and smooth data collection flow by using server-less services like AWS Lambda Functions, Amazon SQS Queues, and Amazon Kinesis Streams. AWS offers organizations the ability to select the operating system, database and programming languages, and web application platform according to their needs.

The use of cloud infrastructure resources may be monitored with the help of AWS management tools like Amazon CloudWatch and AWS CloudTrail to monitor user activity and AWS configuration to manage resource inventory and modifications. AWS helps to improve organizational business growth and productivity significantly. Some disadvantages of AWS include complicated infrastructure and default service limitations that are defined based on average user requirements. The data centers of Amazon are the most important of the three cloud providers, and they are located in 77 areas around the world.

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What is Azure:

Azure is the product from Microsoft. Azure was designed to build, deploy and manage diverse applications and services across the vast network of data centers managed by Microsoft. Azure’s services include networking, computing, data management databases, and performance. Azure Site Recovery allows organizations of any size to arrange site-to-site duplication and data recovery to virtual machines that are hosted on Azure itself. Azure provides data storage redundancy or Zone redundant Storage in various data center regions.

Azure ExpressRoute makes it easy to connect the data center to Azure via a private link without the help of the Internet, thus offering greater reliability, increased security, and reduced latency. Azure also has expanded networking abilities that include the support of multiple onsite virtual network connections, as well as the possibility of connecting virtual networks through different regions of one another. Azure offered the lowest request-based and discounted instance prices. Specialized developers can test, write and deploy algorithms with the help of the Azure Machine Learning Studio.

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What is Google Cloud Platform:

With a responsive interface, reduced costs, flexible compute options, and preemptible instances, GCP is an interesting alternative for AWS and Azure. Google uses complete encryption on all communication and data channels, that includes traffic between data centers. Few areas in which Google Cloud competes strongly with AWS include configurability of instances and payments, privacy and traffic security, profitability, and machine learning. These three cloud providers, while providing discounts of up to 75% for one to three years commitment, Google also offers a sustained usage reduction of up to 30 percent on each type of instance operating for over 25 percent every month. Google has a number of standard APIs for natural language processing, computer vision, and translation. Machine learning engineers can create models using the open-source TensorFlow deep learning library of Google Cloud Machine Learning Engine.

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Comparison between Amazon Web Services, Microsoft Azure, and Google Cloud Platform:

The differences among the top three cloud services are observed by examining them using various parameters like storage, compute, locations, databases, and documentation.

  • Storage: Amazon web services provide Amazon S3 (S3 indicates Simple Storage Service), which is the best option for storage with complete documentation, proven technology, with appropriate community support. Google Cloud Storage and Microsoft Azure Storage provide reliable storage services too.
  • Compute: AWS provides the Elastic Compute Cloud, which manages all computing services by controlling virtual machines that have pre-configured parameters and which can be configured by users as needed. Azure provides Virtual Machines as well as Virtual Machines Scale sets, whereas GCP offers the Google Compute Engine that carries out the same functions.
  • Databases: Numerous database services and tools options are available from all primary service providers. Amazon’s relational database service will support the main databases like PostgreSQL and Oracle and handles everything from update to patch. The Azure SQL Database provides SQL database management functions for Azure, whereas this is Cloud SQL for GCP.
  • Documentation: All the three cloud service providers provide very high-quality documentation even though AWS performs better than GCP and Azure.
  • Location: Azure, AWS, and GCP provide excellent worldwide coverage and guarantee optimal application performance with the shortest possible route to the target audience. Amazon is available in 77 areas, while Azure is available in 60 regions and Google is available in 33 countries, with more recent regions added on a regular basis.

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Now let us compare the pricing of AWS, Azure, and Google Cloud

The following is a comparison of the AWS, Azure, and GCP pricing models according to the type of machine they offer:

Small Instance: In AWS, the small instance includes 8GB RAM and two virtual CPUs. It will cost us about 69 US dollars per month. While for the same instance of 8GB RAM and two virtual CPUs in Azure will cost us about 70 US dollars per month. Compared to AWS, GCP will provide us with a very basic instance that contains two virtual CPUs and 8GB of RAM at a rate of 25 percent cheaper. As a result, it will cost us approximately 52 US dollars per month.

Largest Instance: The biggest instance provided by AWS contains 3.84TB of RAM and 128 virtual CPUs, and it will cost us approximately 3.97 US dollars per hour. While for the same instance of 3.84TB of RAM and 128 virtual CPUs, it will cost us approximately 6.79 US dollars per hour. GCP is leading the way with the largest instance comprising 3.75TB of RAM and 160 virtual CPUs. The cost will be approximately 5.32 US dollars per hour.

Recently AWS has started providing pay-per-minute billing. Azure is already providing the same service, whereas Google cloud is providing pay-per-second billing that saves the users money. It also helps the users by providing a number of discounts which saves the money of Users upto 50 percent.


In this blog, we have compared Amazon Web Services, Microsoft Azure, and Google Cloud Platforms. We hope that you found this information useful and you will be able to decide what is best for you. And If you are seeking any information related to any cloud service platform, you can keep in touch with us.

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Pores are small openings in the skin that contain hair and sebum (oil) glands. They help release sebum, keeping the skin soft. Pores are located all over your body but are most visible on the face.

Genetics, age, sun exposure, ethnicity, and sebum production affect the size of facial pores. As you age, the number and size of your pores tend to increase, making them visibly larger on the nose and cheeks.

You may also notice larger pores if you’re prone to acne, which can clog your pores and add to their appearance.

While larger pores aren’t a medical concern, some people may not like their appearance and want to shrink them.

It’s possible to shrink large pores with over-the-counter or prescription skincare products as well as in-office skin treatments such as laser resurfacing or radiofrequency treatments.

If you use makeup or skincare products, opt for products labeled “non-comedogenic.” This label means the products are formulated with ingredients that won’t clog your pores. When your pores are clear, they’re likely to be less noticeable.

Other labels that mean a similar thing include “oil-free” and “won’t clog pores.”

Treating acne may reduce the appearance of pores. To clear up acne, use a cleanser containing salicylic acid, which can help unclog pores.

Some people find salicylic acid too drying or irritating. Those who experience irritation should alternate using a gentle, non-comedogenic cleanser in the morning with a salicylic acid cleanser at night.

You may also want to try other acne-fighting skincare treatments with ingredients such as benzoyl peroxide, sulfur, resorcinol, or adapalene. While it isn’t possible to shrink pores overnight, over-the-counter (OTC) treatments with these ingredients can help combat acne and reduce pore size within 6-8 weeks.

Sun protection is key to protecting your skin from the sun’s damaging ultraviolet (UV) rays. When skin loses firmness, pores become more visible. Sun damage causes skin to lose firmness over time, so wearing sunscreen can help prevent or slow the aging effects caused by the sun.

Before going outside, apply a broad-spectrum sunscreen with SPF 30 or higher to your face and body. Use sunscreen every day, whether it’s visibly sunny or not.

Retinoids, compounds derived from vitamin A, help treat acne and prevent pores from clogging. Because of these two effects, retinoids can help reduce the look and size of pores.

Different types of retinoids exist, including OTC skincare products containing retinol and adapalene, which you apply to the skin. There are also prescription retinoids, such as Accutane (isotretinoin), an oral medication that treats acne scars and reduces the size of pores.

Tazorac (tazarotene) is a prescription retinoid applied to the skin that may also help minimize pore size.

While retinoids are safe to use, they may cause dryness or redness in some people. Those who are pregnant, have skin allergies, or experience conditions such as rosacea should probably avoid retinoids.

Exfoliating your skin involves gently removing dead skin cells from the skin’s surface. You can use a brush, sponge, or scrub to help remove these cells. Chemical exfoliation is also an option. It uses chemicals such as alpha-hydroxy acids (AHAs) or beta-hydroxy acids (BHAs) to dissolve dead skin cells.

The key is to be gentle with your skin while exfoliating. Apply the exfoliant using small, circular motions for about 30 seconds, then rinse off with lukewarm water. If you’re using a sponge or brush, be especially gentle to avoid irritation.

Exfoliating can be too harsh for acne-prone, sensitive, or dry skin, so opt for a washcloth or mild chemical exfoliator instead. If you have dark skin or dark spots, you may want to avoid strong chemical exfoliators and use other exfoliants lightly to help decrease the chance of dark spots and discoloration.

To unclog and prevent clogged pores, clean your face twice daily using warm water and a gentle, non-clogging cleanser. Cleansing your face also reduces oiliness. Be gentle, and don’t scrub. Scrubbing can cause inflammation, making pores appear more visible.

Chemical peels act at the epidermal (outer layer of skin) or dermal (middle layer of skin) level to regenerate new healthy skin cells, which improves the look of skin and pores. Some research suggests chemical peels can result in a significant reduction of enlarged facial pores.

During a chemical peel, a dermatologist (a medical doctor specializing in skin, hair, and nail conditions) or plastic surgeon will apply the peel to your skin and remove it after the required time. Some deep peels require general anesthesia, but mild or moderate chemical peels do not. Follow the dermatologist’s aftercare instructions for optimal skin healing.

You’ll see results in 1-14 days. While results are not permanent, chemical peels are likely to improve your skin’s appearance significantly. Potential side effects include temporary darkening or lightening of the skin and persistent redness. Although rare, scarring is also possible.

Microdermabrasion is a skin resurfacing treatment a dermatologist performs. It treats uneven skin tone, uneven skin texture, sun damage, and acne scars and reduces the size of enlarged pores.

The provider will use a handheld vacuum system to apply abrasive crystals to your skin, which will exfoliate and remove the top layer of your skin. As the skin heals after treatment, a new layer of skin forms, revealing improved texture and softness and fewer visible pores.

To see results, you may need a series of weekly treatments over 4-6 weeks. Results are temporary, and follow-up treatments are usually necessary to maintain them. However, with proper care, the results may last longer.

Microdermabrasion is safe for all skin tones, but people with rosacea and visible blood vessels on the face may want to avoid this treatment. Anyone prone to scarring or who has taken oral isotretinoin in the last six months is at a higher risk of scarring and may want to avoid microdermabrasion.

Research shows that laser resurfacing is an effective treatment for shrinking pores, though studies on the long-term efficacy of lasers are limited.

Laser resurfacing treatments include ablative lasers, which remove the top and middle layers of skin to reduce signs of sun damage. Non-ablative lasers cause controlled injury to the skin to increase the production of collagen and elastin, important proteins for skin health.

Unlike ablative lasers, which produce more dramatic results, non-ablative lasers don’t remove the top layer of skin. They have fewer side effects and require less healing time before you notice results.

There’s a variety of lasers that help reduce pore size, so it’s a good idea to see a dermatologist or plastic surgeon who can recommend the best laser for your skin.

Results from laser treatments typically take about a week to show. Results from ablative lasers can take up to two weeks. Side effects of laser resurfacing include persistent redness, oozing, hyperpigmentation, cold sores if you’ve had them in the past, acne, swelling, and rare cases of scarring.

Taking a daily dose of oral contraceptives (birth control pills) may help pores appear smaller by helping to decrease the hormones that can cause acne and facial oiliness.

Oral contraceptives can take as little as one cycle (a month) to affect the skin. Side effects include an increased risk of blood clots, nausea, and breast tenderness. Opting for formulations containing lower doses of hormones can limit or prevent side effects.

In some people, birth control pills can make acne worse, so it’s important to monitor your skin’s condition while you take them. You can speak with your healthcare provider if your skin doesn’t improve or gets worse.

Radiofrequency can help treat enlarged pores without serious side effects. During treatment, a dermatologist or plastic surgeon uses a handheld vacuum device that transmits low-energy radiation, which generates heat within the skin.

Radiofrequency reduces sebum and increases collagen production, decreasing the size of pores and helping tighten sagging skin. In one study of people with large pores, 83% of participants saw their pores shrink by 50-100%.

One treatment can yield results that last for a year. These benefits show up in about a month, as it takes time for your skin to produce collagen.

Ultrasound is another in-office treatment a dermatologist or plastic surgeon can perform. It uses heat to target tissues deep within the skin, producing collagen and elastin. Ultrasound also shrinks pores and improves the skin around the hair follicles.

Side effects of ultrasound may include bruising, pain, or redness. Results are noticeable after one treatment, with best results visible within 2-6 months.

There are other ways to maintain healthy skin and pores—from lifestyle habits to self-care tips you can add to your daily routine. Here are some tips:

  • Reduce refined sugars and dairy in your diet: Some research shows a link between acne and eating too many refined sugars or dairy products. However, the connection is controversial and needs further study.
  • Manage your stress levels: While not a direct cause of acne, stress may worsen existing acne. Research also suggests that high levels of stress are associated with more severe acne.
  • Avoid smoking: Smokers are more likely to get acne than non-smokers, which can affect your pores.
  • Get enough sleep: Acne may worsen if you don’t get enough sleep. Sleeping 7-9 hours each night is ideal.
  • Don’t touch existing acne: Squeezing, rubbing, or picking at pimples can lead to scarring, slower healing times, and skin infections.

If you’re not seeing a reduction in your pore size after trying self-care practices and OTC products for 6-8 weeks, consider visiting a board-certified dermatologist.

A board-certified dermatologist has training in more than 3,000 diseases and cosmetic concerns relating to skin, hair, and nails. They’ll be able to examine your skin and recommend the best treatment for you.

It’s common for pores to increase in frequency and size as people age. If you’re concerned about the appearance of your pores, there are many ways to reduce them.

While enlarged pores won’t shrink instantly,OTC products, prescription retinoids, or professional treatments can help gradually reduce them. To prevent enlarged pores, make lifestyle choices that are good for your skin, such as avoiding smoking and wearing sunscreen every day.

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